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Theatres and concert halls in Yerevan

The Armenian culture is mostly reflected in various theaters and concert halls in the city. Theater lovers can always enjoy multi-genre performances, fans of music and dance - the brightest and most interesting concerts, and everyone has a great opportunity to see the the world's most famous new films.

Aram Khachatryan Music Hall

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Arno Babajanyan Concert Hall

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Karen Demirchyan Sports and Concerts Complex

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Armenian National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet

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The State Chamber Theatre of Yerevan

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Boheme Theatre

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Gabriel Sundukyan State Academic Theatre

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Hrachya Ghaplanyan Drama Theatre

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Yerevan State Puppet Theatre named after Hovhannes Toumanian

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Yerevan State Pantomime Theatre

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Yerevan State Marionettes Theatre

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Stanislavski Russian Theatre of Yerevan

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State Theatre of Musical Comedy after Hakob Paronyan

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Komitas Chamber Music House

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Henrik Malyan Film Actor Theatre

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"Mher Mkrtchyan" Artistic Theatre

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Yerevan Theatre of the Young Spectator

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State Chamber Musical Theatre

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Hamazgayin Theatre after Sos Sargsyan

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Metro Theatre

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State Song Theatre of Armenia

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Small Theatre

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Moscow Cinema

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Nairi Cinema

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Cinema "Kino Hayastan"

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Cinema Star

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Cinema "Kinopark"

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