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Yerevan – one of the most visited cities for Russian

According to – a unified travel system, Yerevan is among the cities where Russian tourists return most often. Experts have analyzed all airline tickets purchased between July 2018 and July 2019 and compiled a ranking of[...]
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May holidays are the perfect time to visit Armenia!

When the fields are covered with greenery and flowers, there is still snow in the mountains, Sevan appears in all its glory and the Sun warms your body and soul - it means that May has come to Armenia! The pink stone of ancient Yerevan is even[...]
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What kind of tours are there in Armenia?

Armenia is tempting, unforgettable not only for tourists but also for locals. It is a beautiful corner full of wonders, with ancient history, culture, wonderful sights, mysterious millennial structures. In order to discover this small[...]
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Top 5 Festivals in Armenia

If you want to visit Armenia and have active and adventurous vacation, then you’ve chosen the right country.  Armenia is one of the most diverse countries in the world, with a variety of vacation spots and annual festivals.[...]
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Discover the colors of Armenia in fall

Why visit Armenia in autumn? If you have decided to visit Armenia in autumn, then you have chosen the right time to discover the sights of Armenia in the most colorful way. "Golden Autumn" is what autumn is usually called in the[...]
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