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Yerevan Champagne Wine Factory
Yerevan Champagne Wine Factory was founded in 1939. At that time, it produced only dry and sweet types of wine.
In 1954, the factory was expanded and champagne production was established. At present, the factory is equipped with production technology that meets international standards, quality control laboratory and highly qualified specialists work here.
The Yerevan Champagne Wine Factory has remained and remains unique in its type, producing a classic and collectible range of champagne wines with French technology. The champagnes are Kisachor, Vardaguyn, Hushanverayin, Collective, Soviet, Pomegranate, wines - Veratsnund, Kishmish, Pomegranate, Hayk Nahapet, Frans, and the brandies - Nare, Frans, Hayastani hpartutyun, Menua, Trdat. The factory also offers non-alcoholic beverages, which are widely used during children's celebrations.
The plant's products have been repeatedly praised and recognized as the best in Armenia and abroad. The products are exported to countries such as Russia, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia, France, China and a number of African countries.