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Alexander Spendiaryan house-museum
We are waiting for you at one of the old buildings of Yerevan, at the house-museum of the founder of Armenian symphonic music Alexander Spendiaryan. The sounds of Spendiaryan’s magical music will accompany you from the entrance to the composer’s house where the exhibits relics tell about the great artist’s comprehensive life course. The collection includes the composer’s personal items, documents, letters and manuscripts. You can hear Spendiaryan’s pieces there, play the “Spendiarophone” musical instrument and become the heroes of “Almast” opera. Right here, by using interactive means, you can become a conductor of symphonic orchestra and enjoy composer’s works by your own conduction. This building built in 1925-26 was the first apartment building in Soviet Armenia. Now it is included in Yerevan Art and Historical monuments’ state catalogue, as a monument of republican significance. After the death of the renowned composer his achieve was verified and entrusted to Yerevan State Conservatory. In 1940s thanks to Spendiaryan’s daughter Marina Spendiarova his achieve items and personal belongings were brought to Armenia from Yalta and were entrusted to relative in Yerevan. Musicologist and composer Aram Kocharyan kept most of these items and then he entrusted them to the Museum of Literature and Art of Armenia. In 1945 unfortunately Marina Spendiarova was exiled. In 1956 after returning she again betakes to create museum dedicated to her father. Her program to turn Spendiaryans’ Yalta house or Sudak summerhouse into a museum hadn’t been realized. The two buildings were occupied by other organizations.In the beginning the collection of the house museum consisted only of 400 items. Among them were not only M. Spendiarova’s donation but also the main part of Speniaryan’s archive from the Museum of Literature and Art after Yeghishe Charents. Later on the funds were supplemented and now the fund collection consists of 1345 museum exhibits. They are Spendiaryan’s personal belongings, handwritten and printed notes, letters, documents, photos, press and books.